The WonderMum Podcast

Ep:13 Elijah's Birth Story - a land birth

March 23, 2022 Melissa Barry Season 1 Episode 13

Join me as I share the story of Elijah's birth. My third baby.

I didn't have anyone with me while recording this, so I went off on a few tangents!

On today's episode I also talk a bit about conscious conception & why I'm loving human design for teenage boys!

I must have been tuning into Elijah's manifesting generator energy. MG's have this beautiful spiral like, multi-tasking energy! It's a 'can do' energy which I'm sure was also helping me during the pregnancy,  since I had decided to launch my own Pilates studio while pregnant!

Oh the things we can do when we've got a deadline and we are responding to the Universal prompts! This was definitely the case for his conception. I heard the voice, I knew it was time. Also the case for opening the studio. Both came easily because I was living in alignment and listened to 'what I knew'.

When you know, you know.

Here are some things I'm not sure I mentioned.

The girls were 8 & 6 years old when Elijah was born. I had the girls in my twenties and the boys in my thirties. Same husband & father, just a sanity gap in the middle of the baby sets!

So it had been a little while since giving birth, but I guess it's kind of like riding a bike... you just get back into the swing of things.

I prepped for birth in the same way, made sure I was fully nourished and rested.
Took raspberry leaf tincture to prepare my uterus, made sure my probiotic intake & gut health was taken care of, and of course, I had my homeopathic kits with me again to manage labour & any fears that crop up. Birthing without fear doesn't mean fear doesn't edge it's way in, it means you've got tools to let it go and not sabotage your experience!

I had also started my Pilates journey a year earlier, that turned quickly into a teaching journey!

I was strong and more connected to myself than I'd been for years! I was living on purpose and it felt fantastic. The pregnancy and the birth emulated that vibration that I was living into!!

Here's how we received Elijah Matthew Sunny Barry into the world!

Happy listening.

Big Love
Melissa x

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